Seeing as Thanksgiving is only a few days away, it seemed a good time to blog. I'm not going to go through everything I am thankful for, as that would take days and days and be way too long to read. I'll instead tell you about the three things I am most thankful for. First, Jesus. He is my savior and my God and I could never have survived the last 2 and a half years without Him. Second- my family. My husband and my children are everything to me. My parents and my in-laws are the most amazing examples of love and care. Third- MY CANCER. Yep, you read that right. I am so thankful for the experiences I have gone through. I am a different, better person. I appreciate life so much more. I am all about experiences and adventure and not wasting time. These are all lessons cancer taught me.
Yes, I still deal with fear, like I wrote about last time. I still have one more surgery to go on Dec. 20th, and right now I'm getting IV treatments for iron deficiency. I'm still tired a lot. I have no abdominal strength due to my surgery last June. I'm getting tired of mentioning my neuropathy, so I won't even bring it up. ;)
But all those annoyances are no big deal compared to the change in me that has made me a better version of myself. I am SO thankful God chose to refine me in this way. Life is so much richer, so much more meaningful, and so much brighter.
Two years ago, I am not sure I would ever be able to say these things. Today, I'll tell anyone who will listen- I am thankful for cancer!!
What are you thankful for this season? Leave me a comment so I can rejoice with you!