Thursday, March 5, 2015


A lot of people ask me how I'm doing.  I'm learning to take a moment and answer honestly.  I'm obviously not going to go into lots of detail about anything, unless they ask, but I want to be real.  If I am struggling, I'm going to say so and ask for their prayers.  If I'm doing well, I'm going to rejoice with them.  And it's different from day to day- sometimes hour to hour.  But I have to be real.  Far too often Christians want to hide their pain and pretend things are ok.  How silly is that??  Really, as believers in the Creator of the Universe, the God who heals, loves, cares, provides grace and strength when we need it- why wouldn't we be honest and ask for the prayer we desperately need?

I'm surviving without my husband.  :)  I knew I would, but I sure didn't want to.  I didn't want to have to rely on God.  I even told Him so.  I told Him I'd rather miss out on blessings from Him than be without my husband.  Pretty dumb, right?  Right.  Fortunately, God graciously overlooked my stupidity and heaped on the blessings and the grace over the last couple of days.  He is unendingly good to me, and I so don't deserve it sometimes.

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