Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Almost There!!!

Poor Darrin doesn't seem to be getting any better.  The melodramatic, worrying part of me keeps thinking, "What if he has some horrible disease now?"  The rational, trusting the Lord part of me knows that is silly.  But it's hard not to worry sometimes.

This afternoon PCI called to tell me that Sylvia had a family emergency today and will not be in tomorrow.  I'll see Nicole instead.  I'm pretty heartbroken that she won't be there when I ring the bell.  Sylvia is really the one who has gotten me through all this.  My parents probably won't be there, either.  We've changed the date so many times and they have classes scheduled in Iowa City.  They have also been such incredible supporters.  That doesn't even begin to cover it.  Mom and Dad have been absolutely amazing.  I can't even express my gratitude to them and to the Lord for blessing me with them.  It is amazing to look at the circle of people God provided for me to be able to get through this.  I know I'm not even close to done, but tomorrow is a pretty big step forward!!

Now I'd better go take care of my poor dear spouse. :)  GO TEAM ROBIN!!!!

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