Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Empty.  For the last few weeks, I have just felt empty.  There have been some really fun and good times, like shopping with a dear friend and hanging out with my family playing games and eating popcorn.  But there has been this overwhelming sense of emptiness over all of it.  I feel like I have given all I have, but there is still more that has to be given.  I know the Lord will give me the strength to carry on, and I am secure in His promises to be with me every step.  But this is HARD.  This is SO HARD.  I can hardly put into words how this all feels.  I often feel trapped in my own body- I can't get my hands or feet to move how I want them to. I can barely pass out papers in class or turn the pages of my book at night.  I've fallen several times and have a huge raspberry on my knee that hurts like the dickens.  I have to draw in my eyebrows every morning with hands that can barely hold the eyebrow pencil.  I can only wear one or two pairs of shoes- all the rest of them fall off or hurt my toes.  I am alternately burning hot and freezing cold.  I often can't remember my husband's name or what I have done all day.  I go days with no appetite and then I want to eat everything in sight.  I cry, no, weep, with no reason and with no warning.  I'm so tired I have actually fallen asleep teaching.  This is HARD.

I only have 3 chemo treatments left.  I'm going to ring that bell the day before Thanksgiving.  Then it's on to 6 and half weeks of radiation.  And then up to a year to recover.  A year.  I just want to be myself again.  Though I think my old self is gone.  I think I will come through this with a new self.  Hopefully a better self.  I want to be more patient. more compassionate, more observant of the people and things around me.  I want to be more appreciative. I want to spend more time doing things I love rather than things I feel I should do.  I know I am already hungrier for God's Word.  I crave His comfort and peace.

I also crave your prayers and support.  Thank you for loving me.  I know I'll get through this, but only with the Lord's help.  I hope you don't mind me being 'real' in this post.  I just want people to know what cancer is like.  It definitely ain't no picnic. :)   But, as I've said before, I wouldn't trade it.

And now it's nap time. :)


  1. You may feel empty but those of us watching/reading/listening see you full....full of Jesus' love and grace, light and gratitude!

  2. My dear Robin, thank you for being real. We are here to share this journey with you and help you in any way we can. We love you. My children and I are praying for you daily. May God grant you strength and fill your soul.
    Miss you!

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