Thursday, October 23, 2014

A very late update and 2 very special surprises

Typing is becoming almost an impossibility.  It is almost like I'm typing in tongues- I think I'm typing in English, but when I look at my screen, it is just gibberish.  (I know that's not right theologically- I'm just being funny). :)  It is no end of frustrating.  That is why I haven't written much lately.  But I have some important updates, so I'm pushing through it.

First- I did have chemo last week and this week.  We talked with Dr. Buntinas for an hour today.  She is really great.  A lot of questions got asked and answered.  First, she is not sure how long they will continue to do the chemo.  There might be a point of diminishing returns where the side effects are worse than the benefits of the chemo.  OF course, not finishing the chemo increases my chances of recurrence.  Not a happy thought.  She also said that even after chemo is done, it will take 6 months to a year to wean off all the meds and deal with late side effects.  That was really disheartening, but good to know.  I'd started wondering what was going to happen when I'm done.

The stronger pain patch I got last week is amazing.  I'm allergic to the adhesive, so it leaves red marks, but it's worth it for the pain relief.  The neuropathy is no better, though.  I've fallen down the stairs once and managed to catch myself 2 other times.  I'm really unsteady on my feet, which makes me nervous walking and driving.  I can't always feel the pedals.

The fatigue has hit me like a ton of bricks.  It is hard to stay awake sometime while I am standing in front of my class actively teaching.  That can be awkward! :)  We're tweaking the ritalin to see if that helps.

Now- on to my two special surprises.  A dear friend of mine lives in Vancouver, and I haven't seen her (other than on Skype) for almost a year.  Her grandpa passed away, so she flew here for the funeral, and she got to go to chemo with me today!  It was such a blessing, though I'm sad her grandpa died.  It was funny at chemo, it makes me so tired, but I so wanted to talk.  I actually fell asleep talking a couple of times and said really silly things! :)  I'm sure I won't be hearing about it for years. ;)

My second special surprise today happened at the school choir concert.  The junior higher prepared "Already There" and sang it tonight.  They did an amazing job practicing and keeping it a secret!!  I cried, of course.  I hope it was encouraging to everyone- it's such a great song.  If you want to hear Casting Crowns' version, it is the second post on my blog. :)

Thank you for continuing to stick with me!  I'll try to keep updating a little more regularly. :)


  1. Have you heard of Dragon Dictation? It's an excellent speech-to-text software, and maybe it would give your hands a break when it comes to note-taking or blogging or work-related stuff. There's also an app version for phones and tablets (Android and iOS, depending on what you use).

    But even if you already have it, you shouldn't feel like you need to apologize for not blogging or updating! We all know you're going through so much. I'm praying that your body will allow you to finish chemo strong. Love you.

  2. Amen to the last half of Shannon's remark....we love hearing from you but no way should you feel badly if you don't have time or can't blog. We pray and have the promise that the Holy Spirit is interceding for us with groanings too deep for words...He knows your heart and ours and they are connected by His love!

  3. Hey admin, your blog's design is so cool and loving it. Your articles are so cool. Please continue this great work. Greets!!!

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