Monday, October 6, 2014

I Did It!!!

Yesterday was the Especially for You breast cancer walk.  We took a wheelchair along because I was pretty sure I couldn't walk 5k.  But I DID!!  I really think it was the Lord giving me the strength and endurance to do it.  I was having trouble with the idea that I couldn't walk 3.2 miles.  Darrin and I used to take long walks all the time.  It was such a feeling of accomplishment to cross that finish line on my own two feet!!  Of course, I went home and slept for the entire rest of the day.  And I'm paying for it today.  But it was SO worth it.  You can check out pictures on my facebook page.  One friend made me a pink yarn wig that I wore.  :)  It's really funny.

Tomorrow the volleyball games are a pink out in my honor.  I'm going to wear the wig, I think.  Probably not all day, though.  That might be a little distracting.  I"m just feeling so honored and humbled by all the support.  The cheerleaders even came out for the walk and cheered all morning- even though they had been up late with Homecoming the night before.

The victory of walking the whole way was even sweeter because the last few days have been really hard.  Thursday night after my treatment I had a horrible pain attack.  I just laid in bed and sobbed.  I took the maximum dose of everything I could, and it didn't touch the pain,  Darrin texted our emergency prayer team, and then he prayed over me and read me stories.  The combination of lots of prayer and his very soothing voice finally lulled me to sleep.

I also have had no appetite at all since Friday.  Nothing sounds or tastes very good.  It's frustrating, because I know I need to eat.  Some of my meds have changed, and I can't take one of my anti-nausea drugs anymore because it reacts with the Cymbalta.  I didn't realize how much the reglan helped until I couldn't take it anymore.  I've been fighting nausea the last few days.  I thought we had eliminated that problem, but apparently not.

It was Homecoming this past weekend at Cedar Valley.  Andy went to the dance with a friend.  Actually, most of the sophomore class just went together as a big group.  I love that.  Cedar Valley does not have a dating culture.  The kids mostly just hang out with each other.  They all looked great and I think they had a good time.  We took the required photos in front of the fire place. :)

I'll end with a really funny story.  A few nights ago I woke up in the middle of the night and needed a tissue.  I was sleeping on my stomach, and I always reach for tissues with my right hand.  I reached out, felt the slats on our headboard, and finally found the 'tissues'.  I pulled once, but the 'tissue' didn't come out.  I pulled again and then realized I was pulling Darrin's hair!! :)  I said, "Wrong way!" turned over, and grabbed an actual tissue.  In the morning I asked if he felt me pull his hair, and we laughed and laughed.  It still makes me chuckle.  It's good to find humor wherever we can!


  1. Robin, you were such an inspiration yesterday. I am so glad you were able to walk the race. I am praying for a fast recovery for you.

  2. I had a huge smile on my face when I saw the fb pictures of you at the walk!
