Friday, October 10, 2014

No treatment again :(

We held treatment number 6 yesterday.  Sylvia said I made her uncomfortable.  :)  I've been in too much pain and the neuropathy is increasing too quickly.  They discovered yesterday that one of my arthritis drugs interacts with the Taxol and intensifies its effects.  This is good for fighting breast cancer, but bad for side effects.  We're stopping that drug to see if it helps.  I also got a narcotic pain patch that is "only for people who need opiate pain relief 24 hours a day."  That would be me.  ;)  I think it is starting to kick in.  I know I'm really tired, which they told me would happen.  But the tiredness should lessen as my body adjusts to the medicine.   I praying that once we get the pain under control, everything else will get better, too.

I'm frustrated that we had to hold treatment again.  I know it was the right decision, but now I won't be done until the week of Thanksgiving.  I'll  have a lot to be thankful for!!!  It's a full month later than it was supposed to be.

On Tuesday night the junior high volleyball team had a pink out for their game.  They invited me specially to be there.   They had information for people about breast cancer, they decorated the gym with pink balloons and signs, and they gave me a beautiful pink rose.  It was so neat and so much fun.  They played really well, too, and won their matches.  I was really honored and humbled.  I was talking to a friend and commented that I loved that they did this, but I also hated it.  I hated that they have someone in their lives with cancer, even if it is just a teacher, not a family member.  But it affects everyone around me.  It is wonderful to see how they respond and how loving and caring they are.

I am so thankful for such wonderful support, even as the journey gets longer and longer.


  1. I love your updates because I see into you and the good and bad of what you're going through. It helps me know how better to intercede for you. You are an awesome blessing. Remember that we don't know what you need/want of us without your direction, especially when you are so ill, so it is so appreciated when you tell us.
    Here's one of my favorite verses: Isaiah 43:2 "Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name and you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they will not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched, nor will the flame burn you. For I am the Lord your God." Love you and may blessings be heaped upon you!

  2. "just a teacher", a just teacher of so much more than history....cancer 101, faith in the midst of trials, trusting Jesus through tears and pain, what it looks like to be rejoicing always, giving thanks in everything, praying without ceasing....God added a lot of electives to your plate this semester for you and your students - He just couldn't get it all done by Halloween...Thanksgiving is good, and if it takes a bit longer, He knows who needs the extra credit time! Love you!
