Thursday, February 12, 2015

Arrived at Mayo

We left around four fifteen this afternoon for Mayo.  It is amazing how much stuff we brought for possibly just a one night stay.i wanted several comfort items,  so we brought my purple prayer shawl and my zebra blanket, both given to me by dear friends who had prayed over each of them. Wrapping up in them makes me feel like I am wrapping up in God's love and peace, and helps me remember how many people are praying for me.

The ride up was uneventful until we got to northern Iowa, where the wind whipped up and sent the snow blowing across the road like crazy.  It was really beautiful in the headlights of oncoming cars, but also a bit scary. We made it to the hotel about 8:15, only ten or fifteen minutes ahead of my parents.  I realized just before we left that I had forgotten to do all the paperwork they sent me, so I spent about 45 minutes doing that.  They need to know everything, so it was nice to my folks around to help with family history.  On a quick side note, my mom had the genetic testing done a week or so ago to see if she is the BRCA-1 carrier.  Please pray that it will be my dad,  instead.  If it is Mom, she will have to have some surgery, too.  Not as extensive as mine, probably, but no surgery is fun.  If it is my dad who is the carrier, he won't have to do anything.

It was hard to leave school today not knowing when or if I will be back this semester.  I did get to teach one of my favorite world history lessons today, though, which was a great way to finish.  I taught about the Congress of Vienna, which happened after the Napoleonic wars to try to rebalance power in Europe.  It is not the most interesting topic, so several years ago my mom and I sat and brainstormed ideas to make it interesting and memorable, since balance of power is an important concept even up to current times. We came up with a great activity using Oreos and milk.  Whoever has the most Oreos has the most power,so we work to balance how many Oreos each 'country' has.  It is lots of fun, and at the end the kids get to eat all the Oreos.  Anyway- it was fun to (possibly) end on such a fun note.

I also got to pray (and cry) with several of the staff ladies before I left. The staff has been so amazing through all this. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful work environment.

Now we are here and it is 3:45 in the morning. The bed is comfortable, but it is too quiet and there is too much light.  After my last hospital stay we talked about getting a nice sleeping mask because it is so bright at night with al the equipment in the room.  We will have to do that before I go in this time.  I am frustrated to be awake, but at least I remembered about the mask.  I am also hungry, which is funny, since I haven't actually felt hungry for weeks. I've been eating mostly because I have to.

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