Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Back to School

I made the huge decision last week to go back to school part time.  I come in at 12:30, have two study halls, then teach world history, then have another study hall. Not too strenuous, to say the least. :)  But it is great to be with the kids again, and it's given me time to work on speech stuff and help make sure my wonderful sub is staying on track time wise.  This is very important in world history.  8,000 years of history in 36 weeks!

Our Large Group speech season is over.  Our kids did a great job at state, and we are very, very proud of them.  They had very little time to practice with our weird schedule and snow days.  It was such a fun group of kids.  Darrin and I really enjoyed getting to know the newcomers and deepening relationships with the returners.  Contest days wiped me out, but it was nice to have something that is a part of my normal life.

  PBS is going to air a documentary called, 'Cancer- the Emperor of all maladies.'  I really want to watch it.  Cancer is so unlike any other disease.  It strips you  bare of everything- literally.  There are more side effects that I haven't even talked about on the blog- Things that aren't fit for mixed readership. :)  It took from me everything I found enjoyable.  Everything.  Slowly, some of those effects are lessening.  Food finally tastes mostly normal.  I can stay awake through a movie now (mostly!), my ability to type is much better, I'm starting to grow hair back. (Right now I look like a punk from the 90's.  I just need the heavy makeup and black, ripped up clothes)  :)  I put on earrings and a necklace today for the first time in months.  Some of the other effects could linger on for a year or more.  Many people say they never fully get their energy back.  But I've been feeling pretty good for the last week or so.

However, the last couple of days have been really hard.  Sunday night I was up until 2 crying. So why all the tears?  Because I am finally feeling better, and I know I have to have major surgery that will hurtle me back into the world of pain and incapacity.  I HATE that.  I just want to feel good and be with my family.  I'm ready to be done with this.  We'll head up to Mayo tomorrow afternoon (Wed) and my appointment is at  9:30 on Thursday morning in the breast diagnostic center.  From there, everything is up in the air.

We've been trying to do extra special things with the kids.  My date with Andy was super fun. Last Friday night, we went out to a new wings place in town and to the cheap seats to see Big Hero Six.  It was so much fun for all of us to be able to do that together.  We've been watching more of our favorite shows together, too.  Sunday evening Andy and I played Atari for about an hour.  Today is Andy's 16th birthday, so we're celebrating tonight and I am taking him right after school to get his license.  I'm focusing on the good and the fun to fight back the anxiety of the unknown.  But it is not unknown to the LORD- he's got it all covered.  I have to keep reminding myself of that.  I'm working on the whole "Be not afraid"  thing.  Sometimes it works, and sometimes I struggle.  That's when we fall back on God's grace and perfect plan.  He's already there, taking care of everything.  A comforting thought, isn't it?

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