Monday, February 23, 2015

The Eye of the Hurricane

So my appointment free week ended up with a dentist appointment. :)  I called and they happened to have an opening with my hygienist the next day.  I've gone through several dentists, but Michelle has cleaned my teeth since my first dentist visit. :)  She was so upset about my cancer.  We had a good talk about it. (Before she cleaned my teeth!)  It is so great to have prayers and support from so many places.

I had a great week at school, but it completely wiped me out.  I slept until 3 on Saturday, and napped on Sunday from about 2 until 7.  I missed Bible Study.  I hate losing my family/friend time to this weariness.  I'm so glad to be teaching again, but I am definitely paying for it.

 Luke's basketball season ends tonight at Springville.  Having that over will really help our evenings.  I've really enjoyed watching him play, though.  He has started to really enjoy playing, and it shows.  He's scored 10 points so far this season, and he's had a few steals and some good rebounds.  I'm really, really proud of him.  I hope he'll play in high school.  I think he could eventually be pretty good if he keeps at it.

My mom found out late last week that she is the BRCA-1 carrier.  She will see my oncologist, Dr. Buntinas, who will keep an eye on her.  It's pretty amazing that she made it to 66 and hasn't had any cancer.  She feels guilty that I had to be the one to discover it and deal with cancer.  I told her God's plan is perfect and He worked it out exactly how He wanted it.  He's provided everything we need, and although it has been such a tough road, it's brought our family closer to each other and closer to the Lord.  What could be better than that?

We head up to Mayo tomorrow for 4 appointments on Wednesday.  The most important is with the radiation oncologist.  There is a possibility I'll have to do radiation, and a small possibility I'll have to do it at Mayo.  That would mean 6 weeks at Mayo, coming home on the weekends.  If I do have to have it, I'm hoping it can be at Hall- Perrine or at least at the University.  I'm looking forward to getting some answers and getting surgery nailed down.

I feel like I am in the eye of the hurricane.  Things are calm right now, but soon the storm will start raging again.  Even now, I'm dealing with lots of pain all the time.  My pain patch doesn't even seem to touch it.  I'm not sure what's going on, but I don't like it much.  I'll mention it at Mayo and see what they say.

Thanks for sticking with me through the storm!

1 comment:

  1. Just stopping by to let you know that I've been thinking of you lots today and praying and praying. Love you, Robin!
