Sunday, August 10, 2014

Date night, sweet corn, potatoes, and ice cream

We actually got to go on a date last night!!  We got all dressed up and went to the Starlight and split a tenderloin and fries, and then we went over to Granger House in Marion and saw a Mark Twain performance.  I only fell asleep for a few minutes. :)  I think this was the first date we've had since my diagnosis.  It was very low key, and very fun.  It was nice to put on a pretty dress and some makeup and feel pretty and put together.

It's been neat to see how God has brought visitors on exactly the right days. I really enjoy seeing people, but there haven't been many days when I've been up to very much conversation.  This weekend was a good one for visits.  I got to chat with lots of people at church this morning, too, which was nice.  Though I am pretty tuckered out this afternoon.

The boys all went out to Chadima's and picked mountains of sweet corn this afternoon while I rested.  I'm so excited to freeze and can it and have sweet corn all winter.  We did up 4 quarts in just a little time this afternoon. It will be a several day project, but oh, so worth it!

So here's something weird on the food front- I have been craving potatoes like nothing else.  I just want to eat potatoes all day.  In any form.  We fried up a bunch for breakfast and I couldn't stop eating them.  They are full of potassium, so I'm wondering if my potassium levels are low again.  The other thing I've started really enjoying is ice cream.  I've never been a huge ice cream fan- I like it, but I never bought it for myself or thought of eating it as a treat.  Now I want ice cream every night.  This makes Darrin happy, as he is a HUGE ice cream fan. :)  I'm really enjoying the kinds that have lots of chunks of chocolate and caramel and all that good stuff.  I'm pretty sure there is no real nutritional value in my ice cream cravings, though. ;)  My nutritionist tells me to eat things that taste good, so I'm not going to feel guilty about it. Pretty much everything else tastes like nothing, so I'm going to enjoy what I can!

Our inservice days start tomorrow at 9.   We're doing SmartBoard training.  I'll be interested to see if I am currently smart enough to grasp it. :)

1 comment:

  1. I predict that you will understand the Smart Board with no problem but if perchance you don't, your students will! It was good to see you at church this morning!!!
