Tuesday, August 19, 2014


I am thankful:

I am alive
For my incredible husband
That we live in Cedar Rapids with excellent medical care
That we bought all our school supplies and got the boys' bags packed 2 weeks ago
That I gave Sarah all the Girls' Night Out supplies over a week ago so she didn't have to try to get them or buy new stuff
For Frosties and french fries which will forever more epitomize the essence of love to me (I'll explain in a later post)
For friends and family who have taken care of the boys and kept them busy and fed
That my lesson plans are super organized and should be really easy to follow
For Dawn Foote, who will be following them!  (Pray for her!)
For my parents who have spent so many hours up here
That I am still in the hospital
for an incredible medical team of hospitalists and nurses who have taken excellent care of me and been so very kind
for a sense of humor to endure many medical humiliations
for nurses who listen to me and try my suggestions
for Katelyn, Amanda, Tyler and BJ who cleaned up the drama room
that the internet connection in my room worked so I could LiveStream church and watch Andy share about his trip
for a great boss who is so supportive.
for friends who are praying
for a loving God who knows exactly what He is doing
for peace that passed understanding during some of the worst testing
for a myriad of little things that have worked out just as they needed to over the last 8 days.


  1. And all God's children said.....AMEN

  2. I love thankful list! Yours is such a distinct picture of how God is actively working in your life. Still praying for and thinking of you.

  3. And I am thankful to see so much obedience to the will of God in your life: "giving thanks in all things; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus" I echo Mary's AMEN!!!

  4. I am thankful you are receiving such great care. I am praying for all of you and wish I could be there to help more. I want to let you know that many have signed up to support you and race with you in Oct at the Especially for You Race/ Walk. We love you! GO TEAM ROBIN!!!

  5. I'm thankful for you and your amazing, inspirational spirit in the face of all of these challenges. God is using you, even now, and He knows what He's doing. I love you - I'm praying every day that the doctors will find the right treatment to give you some relief. Praying for Darrin and the boys, too!
