Friday, August 1, 2014

The Last of the Red Devil

Sorry I didn't write yesterday- Chemo wiped me out.  I didn't feel very good when they were done, so I got an extra dose of lorazipam, which put me to sleep for an extra 2 hours.  I was the last one to leave at 4:30. :) It was a 6 hour treatment day.

It actually almost didn't happen.  I started running a fever on Wednesday night.  We're not sure where the infection is coming from, but the team put me on a broad spectrum antibiotic.  All my blood counts came back really good, so we decided to go ahead with treatment.  The one kicker is that the antibiotic they put me on doesn't mix well with the steriod I have to take.  It can cause the Achilles tendon to burst.  Talk about a weird side effect.  It is pretty rare and usually happens in old people, but I seem to get a lot of the rarer side effects.  I would appreciate lots of prayer for this one.  I'm supposed to avoid exercise while I'm taking it, which stinks, because our daily walks are really helpful and enjoyable.  I'm on the med for 5 more days.  The effects can happen up to a couple months later, so I'll really need to watch for it.  GRRR.  One more thing. :)

Getting out of bed yesterday was one of the hardest things I have done.  I didn't feel good as it was, and knowing that I was willingly going to put more poison in my body that will make me feel awful for the next two weeks took all my courage.  Then I have to remember that this poison is potentially saving my life.

Everyone reiterated again that the Taxol will be much better.  I'm clinging to that!!  We're due back in the clinic soon for a neupogen shot and an hour of fluids to help flush the AC out quicker.  Hopefully we'll be home by lunch, not supper!


  1. Just catching up on your posts and so thankful this phase is behind you. Prayers continue with the Holy Spirit groaning in us on your behalf....Sleep well tonight.
