Saturday, August 9, 2014

Sorry for the absence

I didn't realize that I haven't blogged since Tuesday!  It's been a long week, spending every morning at the clinic.  It was good, though- I've felt physically better this week than any of the previous weeks.  It has been a really hard week emotionally, though.

The last couple of days have been really encouraging, though.  Tristan and Robin Guthrie are here from Texas, and Amy and Dennis Fulkerson are here from Turkey.  It was wonderful to get most of our old Monday night football group back together for dinner out last night.  We just needed the VanDuzers.  :(

I start back to work on Monday.  My classroom is all ready to go, which is a huge relief.  I've been doing some prep work with my new Bible and Social Studies curriculum, so I think I'll be ok there.  I'm looking forward to seeing my kids again, too.  So there are lots of positives amidst all the nervousness.

Chemo brain is definitely settling in.  I've been sitting here for 5 minutes trying to remember what I want to blog about today, and I have absolutely no idea.  :)

I am almost finished reading Bonhoeffer.  The plot against Hitler has failed and Dietrich has been moved to the Gestapo prison.  In one of his letters to his fiance, he wrote the following:

      "Stifter once said, "Pain is a holy angel, who shows treasures to men which otherwise remain forever hidden; through him(pain) men have become greater than through all joys of the world."

I find that to be very profound, and very true.  That is why, even though I hate this whole thing, I wouldn't trade it.  Not that I want to be great or anything- but I do want to continue drawing closer to the Lord and become more like Him.  I highly recommend the Bonhoeffer book.  It is fascinating history and full of great theology.  Metaxas is a great writer and infuses some wonderful bits of humor throughout his very readable narrative.

Poor Darrin had to deal with more toilet issues today- this time a broken wax ring.  Fortunately, it wasn't a hard fix and we didn't have to call in the cavalry. :)  He's such a trooper.  Hopefully the rest of the day will be quiet and relaxing!


  1. Hallelujah!! Glad to hear the good report! Prayers will continue as school starts - cannot believe it is that time already!

  2. Glad to hear things are on the upswing. Please pray for Grant as he is having some recurrant symptoms from pre-diagnosis. Has an appointment on Monday

  3. I'm glad you're looking forward to Monday. The kids will be glad to have you back, I'm sure! The day before you mentioned the Bonhoeffer book, I had (on a whim) picked up a book about him at Walmart. So I decided to see if my library had the one you mentioned, and it did so I returned the one I'd purchased (love libraries!). You didn't mention how big the book was! :) I haven't read much beyond Berenstain Bears and Curious George for a while, but I'm going to do this and remember to pray for you as I read. Thanks for continuing to share your story to the glory of God!
