Friday, May 30, 2014

My cat guardian (funny/heart warming story #3)

When I got home yesterday afternoon, I went straight up to bed.  My cat, Magnolia, jumped in with me right away and nestled in on my left shoulder.  She stayed there for hours.  Every time someone came upstairs, she looked up to see who it was and then settled right back in.  It was like she was protecting me and making sure I was comfortable.  I just found it to be the most adorable thing.  I'm thankful for my kitty who is so comforting.  Can I compare my cat to God?? :)  Always there, watching over us, protecting us and taking care of us.  He doesn't always make sure we are comfortable, but He does make sure we are always comforted.  It is good to see Him in His creation and His creatures.


  1. I am always amazed by how well my cat(s) seem to be so intuitive to what I may need. Even when I'm having a rough day they seem to know and will come snuggle or headbutt me just to let me know it's okay. Bless your sweet little Magnolia for knowing what her human needed when she needed it!

  2. I also find it amazing how God created His animals to simply KNOW what we as human beings need. My Goldie and my cat Missy are both that way. Kaya snuggles right up with me on or near the couch and Missy sleeps above my head in our bed.

    Bless lil' Magnolia! :)
