Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Telling everyone

There were of course several people I needed to tell personally about this diagnosis.  Those were really exhausting conversations, but also so encouraging.  The Lord has given me such an incredible support system.  If you are reading this blog, you are part of it, so thank you!!  This morning I sent the email to the Cedar Valley email group, and I'll be posting it on Facebook shortly.  I've been delaying these announcements for several reasons.  First, I didn't want to be Debby Downer at the end of the school year when everyone is celebrating graduations and the beginning of summer.  Second, when it actually came time to share, I found I really didn't want to.  Everyone knowing makes it actually real.  Before people knew, I could just be me without worrying about people being sad or upset or awkward in my presence.  Remember, I'm still me!  I don't want cancer to be the topic of every conversation.  It is now integrated into who I am, but it doesn't define me.  My interests, my slightly off sense of humor, my personality are all the same.  Please don't feel awkward or uncomfortable talking to me or my family.  We need as much normalcy as possible!!  We really appreciate all of you- all your care and concern and help.  We are so very blessed by all our friends.  Go Team Robin!!


  1. My prayers are with you and the family, Robin. Scott's people have faced cancer often and we are accustomed to dark humor. People are scared to say wrong things, so they say nothing. It appears that you are already handling what methods will work for you.
    I like your theme and your attitude. My mom has had two "mild" cases of breast cancer and was blessed that both were matter-of-fact. She has a great team with her now in the post-radiation phase that are still looking out for her in the long term.
    And I note the timing of this, in summer, seems to be best within the scope for the Crows, as you will have fewer demands on your time and more available helpers.
    I am just down the road and I am home many days, so put me on the list of people who can come by in a pinch.

  2. I just read all these posts Robin....so privileged to pray for you now AND to praise God with you for all HE is doing, has done, and will do! You are most special to so many - thank you for sharing your heart now as you have always shared your life. You and all your boys will be before the throne often!
    Love you!
