Friday, May 23, 2014

Telling the boys

We told the boys last night about my diagnosis.  They handled it pretty well.  When I was finished, I asked if they had any questions.  Luke promptly asked if he could have toast, and Shiloh wanted to know if he had been good enough to earn back his Lego gift card. :)  Andy just told me he loved me.  We joked about it some throughout the evening.  I know it will be a tough summer for them, but my social worker suggested some great alternatives.  For example, instead of doing all the camping we want to do, we can cook outside over our firepit in the back yard.  I just want to be sure I can still be mom and we can still do the fun things we want to do.

We're also entering Shiloh's senior year.  We have so much to do with him- getting guardianship for when he turns 18, setting up a trust for him so he never has too much money and loses his benefits, figuring out what programs to do after graduation, getting him on a waiting list for a group home setting, continuing to work on life skills and job skills.  It is a little (OK, actually a LOT) overwhelming.  But I'm confident God will give us the strength and time to get it all done.  I don't see how right now, but that's where faith comes in.  :)

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