Saturday, May 31, 2014

The Waiting Zone

After two weeks of constant phone calls, appointments, and preparations, we've entered The Waiting Zone.  I haven't spoken to any health care professionals for 2 days.  I must say, it's been nice to have been left alone. :)  I know my care coordinator will call me on Monday and start setting up more appointments.  I will be seeing a genetics counselor, a nutritionist, my exercise guy, and several doctors in the next couple of weeks.  Right now, everything just hinges on whatever the pathology report says.

And really and truly, whatever it says is OK with me.  I don't want to sound all holy, but the whole idea of this blog is that God is already there- he knows what the report says and how Dr. Buntinas is going to want to proceed.  I'm ok with that.  Do I want chemo?  No.  Do I want to grow closer to the Lord and be a better example of how He is faithful ALL the time?  Yes.  If going through chemo allows me to help one junior high girl in Bible class have more faith in her creator, then bring it on.

But meanwhile- we'll wait.  It has been a nice couple of quiet days with my sweet, wonderful, perfect husband.  I wouldn't trade that for anything.  :)

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