Saturday, May 2, 2015

My kids are growing up!

I actually had another blog post planned for today, but the day completely got away from me.  We had to go tux shopping for Andy because he got asked to prom!  He's going with a really great girl. They did both speech contest and music contest together and are friends.  I'm excited he is going and I think they will have a great time.

This afternoon we went over to a local church in town to help with their Saturday Evening Meal Program (SEMP).  A dear friend of ours has run it for at least 25 years.  We wanted a way to serve the poor in our community, and this is a great opportunity.  We served a really nice meal to about 80 people tonight.  On busy weekends, they serve double that.  Last year when Darrin and I read through the Bible in a year, Darrin noticed how often the Lord talks about the poor.  In both the Old and New Testaments, we are told to look after the poor, the widows, and the orphans.  This has become very important to us.  It was great to see the boys jump right in to helping.  They were calling people sir and ma'am, which I could tell really pleased a lot of them.  It was a mark of respect they probably don't get very often.

Tonight Darrin and I did Shiloh's senior board for Senior Sunday at church tomorrow.  I've been thinking about it for 2 years, but it just got finished about 10 minutes ago. :)  Amazing how that happens, isn't it?

Anyway, I PROMISE that tomorrow I will have a meaningful post.  I'm excited about it and want to give it the time I need to to say everything right. :)  See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Caring for your family and showing them how they touch your life is certainly meaningful, Robin. caring for others as a family is a blessing as well.
