During my surgery, Dr. Jakub removed 27 lymph nodes under my right arm. This increased my risk of lymphedema by 25%. Unfortunately, that increase was enough to bring on extremely painful problems with my right arm. Dr. Jakub's nurse said I probably have axillary cording, or Axillary web syndrome. It's basically scar tissue forming and causing lots of pain. I see the lympedema specialist next week. Meanwhile, I'm in A LOT of pain. It's really hard to sleep, and sometimes even to move. I'm wearing my lymphedema sleeve, and it helps a little, but I am still really uncomfortable most of the time. I guess it is just a good reminder that I still have a LONG way to go until complete healing. And lymphedema is something that doesn't ever go away once it shows up. Yippee.
Time for popcorn and a movie. :)
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