Friday, May 8, 2015

Public Speaking

I've wondered some if the Lord would use my cancer to bring about public speaking opportunities.  I am one of those weird people who really enjoy speaking to large groups of people.  Earlier this week I got a phone call from the social worker at the Cancer Center, wondering if I would speak to the donors at the annual foundation dinner in June.  I was absolutely thrilled!  I'm meeting with the coordinator next week to go over requirements and such.  I really can't wait to sing the praises of the people at the Cancer Center.  They are so amazing.  I'm really excited to do this speaking- I hope I get more than 2 minutes!

Today in chapel I got to talk to all the secondary kids about the last year.  It went well, I think.  I opened up for questions at the end, and they asked some really good ones.  One of the girls didn't know what a mastectomy was, so I explained.  Then an adorable little 6th grade boy who heard the word wrong, asked me how long my breastectomy took.  :)  OH, did I laugh.  Not at him- I didn't mean to embarrass him, but it was just so cute. He apologized several different times throughout the rest of the day.  :)  He was really embarrassed.  But I think it was good- kids were getting questions answered that they were afraid to ask but really wanted to know.

I had another young man come up to apologize to me.  He had given me some trouble earlier in the year, and he apologized for causing trouble while I was dealing with cancer.  It was very touching.

So, maybe these couple of speaking engagements will lead to some more.  I would love to talk to Bible studies, women's retreats,  lunches and teas- any opportunity to be able to talk about my journey and the incredible goodness of God through it all.  I am still overwhelmed by His goodness and blessing.  If you are looking for someone to speak at an event. . . . :)