Sunday, June 1, 2014

A minor setback

Well, it was nice while it lasted!  I had to call my surgeon last night to get some advice.  Apparently I am allergic to the prep they used to sterilize the skin before surgery.  I've been popping Benedryl like crazy, but it isn't helping. It is making me sleepy, so we slept until 10:30 this morning.  In the morning I'll call again and get a prescription for some steroids to knock it out.  This happened with my foot surgery in December, too.  But then I thought it was a reaction to the adhesive in the bandages.  It might be a combination of the two.  At least now I know to tell everyone that I'm allergic to chlorohexadrine. :)

On another note, we had a great time redecorating the boys' Lego Lounge today.  We bought amazingly cheap poster frames at Michael's and hung a couple posters, put up the counter top we bought at the ReStore and cleaned it up quite a bit.  It should be a great surprise for them!!  It was slightly frustrating that it took me a really long time, though.  Usually this is a project we could knock out in an hour or so.  This time there had to be a 2 hour nap between starting and finishing.  That's ok, though- Sunday afternoons are great for naps!

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