Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Chemo Part 2- Taxol, and going back to work!!

I started my second chemo drug last Thursday.  Dr. Buntinas and Sylvia decided I was healthy enough, which was a huge praise.  Going too much longer would have really messed things up, and the more you delay treatment the less effective it is.

So on Thursday last I went in and we started taxol.  Actually, we had to start with an hour of fluids because my kidney numbers had gone back up a little.  After a good flushing, though, they went back down and we went on to the actual chemo.

It starts with the steroid, dexamethazone, and zofran (anti-nausea).  Then I got a big dose of benedryl and zantac, I think.  The benedryl put me to sleep.  Then they started the taxol.  One of the nurses, Darcy, had to sit and literally stare at me for 15 minutes to make sure I didn't have an allergic reaction.  Everyone was SURE I would with all the problems I'd had.  Miraculously, I didn't!!  My body handled it just fine and we didn't have to do anything different. All the chemo girls and I were amazed. :)

The steroids gave me TONS of energy for Thursday and Friday.  It was great to feel so good again.  But Saturday it all ended.  I slept until 1 pm and then slept again from 1:30-5:30.  I don't know if that will happen again this week or if it was still just recovering from being sick.  I hope it was just recovering.  I also slept most of Sunday.  By Monday I was feeling better.

The side effects started kicking on Sunday, though.  The nausea hasn't been a problem, for which I am very thankful.  However, I did have really severe joint pain on Sunday night.  That has lessened, and hopefully the Dr. can give me something to take when it happens again.  I also have started getting the tingling in my fingertips and hands.  So far I can still type relatively well, but it is getting more and more pronounced each day.  I'll talk to the Dr. about that tomorrow, too.  It can take months after treatment is over for the effects to go away, and sometimes they never do.  That would really stink.

I went back to work on Tuesday.  I was really nervous about it.  The staff had planned a 'pink out' and told all the kids to wear pink to welcome me back. They had signs all over telling people to wear pink.  It was really awesome.  I felt very loved.

Both Darrin and Dawn Foote were there all day to help me out.  We got everything figured out for each class and Dawn helped me make a bunch of copies.  She did such a great job subbing with short notice and only my notes to go off of.  My notes of course make sense to me, but they don't necessarily translate well.  I'm so thankful all my classes moved forward and we're pretty much on track.

Today I was on my own.  I did talk to Jeff about not teaching Bible this semester, and he got that changed.  With Bible I would have kids 7 periods a day on M,W, and F.  This way I'll have a break every day during 3rd hour.  That will really help me not get too tired.  Julianne Wilson is taking it over.  It's great curriculum and I think she'll do a great job and the girls will enjoy her.

Going back to work was the best thing I could have done.  It has helped my fatigue lessen and given me purpose.  It's great to be around the kids again and teaching the things I love.  I have chemo again tomorrow, so prayers for that and no advancement of side effects.  Thanks!  GO TEAM ROBIN!!


  1. So good to see these updates and know you are feeling "better". Prayers will continue as the journey moves forward! I am happy that you feel so loved. I 'd say it is because you are!
