Thursday, September 25, 2014

No chemo today

When we went in to see Sylvia today, she decided that my neuropathy is bad enough to delay treatment.  She is hoping that taking a week off will let it recede a little bit.  She was not sure if we will just skip this dose or if they will tack it on to the end of the regimen.  She also put me on Ritalin!  In adults, it does exactly the opposite as it does in kids.  It calms kids down, but hypes up adults.  She is trying to get my energy level back up.  All I do is teach and sleep.  I'd like to spend more time interacting with my family.  Though a couple days ago I was awake in the early evening and had an awesome time hanging out with Andy and Luke, just talking and laughing together.  I want more of those times.

Darrin is really good about telling the truth about how I feel.  I tend to downplay any pain or discomfort.  I think it stems from my desire to not inconvenience people.  Silly, I know.  Anyway- he does a good job of overriding me and telling Sylvia when I am really miserable.  Today, it was a good thing.  My stomach has been bugging me.  I thought it felt like a pulled muscle, or a band around my waist.  Apparently, that can be a sign of gall bladder issues.  I'm the perfect candidate for that- pushing 40 (I can't believe I just said that!), female, and "carrying a little extra weight" as Sylvia put it.  Darrin and I laughed and laughed at the prospect of yet another problem.  We're going to keep an eye on it and see what happens.  It could also be pain radiating from my back, which has been sore lately.  I'm praying for that option.

It is really wonderful to have a life partner who is such a wonderful care giver.  He is truly a blessing from the Lord every single day.   He is endlessly patient with my frequent bouts of tears, and always seems to know just what to say to comfort me or make me laugh.  It is amazing that we can find so much to laugh about through all this.  He is just so sunny and positive.  He helps me remember that even though this seems like it will never end, there is an end in sight.  I WILL feel better eventually and get my regular life back.  And that regular life will be so much sweeter for having gone through this suffering.

The first five years of our marriage has been full of major events.  Darrin quit his job and became a storyteller, he's been in 2 car accidents that totaled the vehicle he was driving, (one of which got Andy an ambulance ride with a broken collarbone). I've had ear surgery and two foot surgeries, we bought a new house and watched our old one be torn down, we've had to deal with some difficult people, and now we're fighting cancer.  It has certainly been eventful.  It's been great, though, too.  It has drawn us closer together, and closer to the Lord.  I just hope and pray the next five years will be quieter. :)


  1. His strength is more than evident in your life...... has been..... long before cancer!

    Happy for all that you are learning though this course is one of the toughest you'll ever take.... no pop quizzes, just tests.... 24/7. So far, you are passing!

  2. Both of you are an inspiration to many. Thank you for sharing updates and your thoughts, even while typing is difficult. Praying for you both!
