Saturday, September 20, 2014

My birthday

Yesterday (the 19th) was my 38th birthday.  It was a very nice day.  Usually I do not make a big deal out of my birthday.  I kind of feel that birthday parties and such are for kids, unless you're hitting an adult milestone.  I also don't like having a lot of attention paid to me, so I usually let my birthday pass quietly- I don't even have it listed on facebook. :)  But this year I realized that I am lucky to be having a birthday.  Actually, we all are, every year.  We have no idea what God has in store for us and we should celebrate every moment that we have.  So I took candy for the kids at school and talked with them about how we should be thankful for the time we have to do the Lord's work on this earth.  I'm starting to look at birthdays as something to praise God for- it's not about celebrating me, it's about celebrating Him and the work He is doing.  That was a pretty cool revelation.

We went out to dinner at Red Robin- everyone's favorite.  Unfortunately, food has started to taste funny again, so I didn't really enjoy it.  It's different from last time when heavier foods and meat usually tasted pretty good.  Now I'm craving fresh stuff- salads and apples and fruit smoothies.  They still don't always taste right, but at least it's healthier.  And I'm totally over ice cream, which is a great disappointment to my husband.  :)

The neuropathy is getting steadily worse, especially in my feet.  The best way to describe it is how your feet feel after walking several miles in uncomfortable shoes.  Or maybe even heels. ;)  We didn't increase any medications this week, but I think we'll have to next week.  Those meds just make me really tired, so school will probably get a little harder.  I'd appreciate prayers for wakefulness during the school day.

We enjoyed the last farmer's market of the summer this morning.  We bought some mulling spices to go in apple cider.  Then this afternoon we bought a huge pumpkin at Aldi and a gorgeous mum at Sam's.   It's starting to feel like fall and I LOVE it!  We picked the three apples off our apple tree today- they were quite yummy.  In a couple years hopefully we'll be able to have enough apples to make our own cider.  That would be awesome.

Here's to a wonderful fall season, even in the midst of this stupid thing called cancer. :)

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that you realized the privilege of a birthday! Never to be taken for granted....Love you!
