Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Robin's Hospital Stay part 3

OK- I think I'm finally ready to write the end of the hospital adventure.  There isn't actually a lot more to tell.  Dr. Abu Alfoul couldn't figure out why I still had some fevers, so he ordered cultures off my port and from a peripheral location (my hand).  They had to draw them twice from my hand because he wanted them to be from the same time.  They first drew off my hand at 5 am, so they had to do it again around noon.  Then we just had to wait.  I kept feeling better and better, but we had to wait at least 24 hours.  Unfortunately, the culture off my port got contaminated with staph, so then we had to wait another 24 hours.  Dr. Frumpy came by and told me I should just have the port taken out if anything else came back positive.  Better that than have to wait longer to start chemo again.   I agreed- his logic seemed sound.  However, praise the Lord, the rest of the cultures came back negative.  I finally got to go home at 5:45 on Sunday evening.  12 days and 1 hour since I had gone in.  The nurses stood up and cheered as I left. :)

The whole experience was really traumatic.  I often didn't know what was going on and I was really, really sick for several of those days.  Every person I dealt with was absolutely wonderful and kind, but it was a very difficult experience.  I could shower, but we had to tape up my port so it didn't get wet, so I never really felt clean.  I was hooked up to an IV machine, so I couldn't do anything or go anywhere easily.  I was scared and lonely and confused much of the time.  I'm not sure what God's purpose was, though I know He has one.  I had a couple of good talks with one or two of the nurses, so that was positive.  I tried really hard to be a good patient and treat all my caregivers with respect and thankfulness.  Hopefully that will have an effect on them.  Susan Johnson made me wonderful signs with verses of encouragement on them, and many people commented on them.  I'm going to hope that seeds were planted and people were positively influenced.

I still have moments of freaking out about the whole thing, though they are fewer and farther between.  As I continue to feel better my fear is lessening.  The Lord has been very good to us and I am very thankful to be healthy-(ish) again.  In my next post I'll talk about the new round of chemo.  Thanks for your continued prayers!!

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