Monday, September 29, 2014

A Fabulous Weekend

I had an amazing weekend.  I felt so good.  Other than my hands and feet, of course. :)  On Friday night Darrin and I went to Taj Mahal for wonderful Indian food.  Then we went to TCR to see Into the Woods, one of my favorite musicals.  It was fantastic.  Absolutely thrilling.  I loved it so much.  AND- I forgot, just for a little while, that I have cancer.  It was amazing.

On Saturday, Darrin did shadow puppets at the Lincoln Highway Arts Festival.  I joined him for part of the day.  It was beautiful out and I love watching him tell stories and interact with kids.  On Sunday, we went over to my parents to celebrate their birthdays.  Then I came home and cooked!  I made Darrin his favorite peanut butter rice krispie treats, baked oatmeal, and a couple of dishes to take to school for the 6th graders- they are studying ancient Israel and we were up to Passover.

It's wonderful to finally feel like me again.  I haven't felt like me since June.  The Ritalin is a gift from God.  I can finally function again.  The neuropathy isn't getting any better, though.  And now my feet and ankles are really swollen and painful.  I'm trying ice and elevation to see if that helps.  If not, I'll call the Dr. to make sure it's not anything serious.

My ability to recall words is getting worse and worse.  Today I couldn't come up with Cleopatra in world history.  There were actually several times in that class I had trouble saying what I wanted to.  And I'm saying the wrong word with more regularity.  Yesterday I told Darrin we needed to buy more tomato notes.  (Thank you notes).  Today I asked Luke to put something in the purple (papasan).  I said that one twice before I got it right.  I guess I just needed to say the word purple! :)  I seem to get the first letter correct, but then it becomes a different word.  I have the right word in my head, but the wrong one comes out.  It is actually quite funny.  Losing my words, not so much.  That's just frustrating.

I'm hoping for another couple days of feeling good before my treatment on Thursday.  I hope they'll be able to continue with everything.  Poor Sylvia.  She told us she thinks about me all the time- trying to figure out ways to get me through this.  She's been so amazing.

I'm looking forward to the run/walk on Sunday!!  GO TEAM ROBIN!

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