Thursday, September 18, 2014

Taxol round 4

Today was pretty uneventful, as far as chemo goes.  I needed extra fluids, which I think is just becoming standard with me.  I also need to get some Vitamin B6, so I can add to my 28-30 pills I take each day. ;)  

Sylvia is also ordering a thyroid test to make sure my fatigue is really all cancer related and not something else.   She is very thorough.

Today I didn't get in my second gabipentin pill until after 5, and I am really paying for it.  It's the drug that helps with the tingling and pain.  I'm actually hurting quite a bit, so I thought blogging would help get my mind off it, but it's turning out to be kind of hard to type.  So this might be a short entry! ;)

I've been falling asleep every day at school, sometimes while I have kids!  (Only if they are working quietly or watching a film- I haven't yet fallen asleep while actively teaching!)  I'm also really starting to feel the chemobrain.   I stared at Tyler Glenski (whom I've known forever) for a full 10 seconds before I could get his name today.  He was very gracious about it. ;) It's really frustrating.  I love to have conversations about current events and local happenings, and it's getting harder and harder to express myself well.  Maybe it's just God humbling me about my vocabulary. ;)

We have a beautiful Mexican sunflower growing outside our backdoor.  It has become a beacon for butterflies.  We've had several different kinds over the last few weeks, but now the monarchs are here.  They are so amazing.  How can these fragile, little winged creatures fly all that way?  It reminds me that God takes care of the least of His creatures, and He will certainly take care of all of us.  The butterflies also remind me to look for beauty in small things, not just big things.  A butterfly might be one of the most beautiful things on the planet, and it is tiny and delicate.  Of course, mountains are incredibly beautiful, too, and they are huge and solid.  There is some lesson in there, I'm sure. :)  But it's time for me to take some pain medication.  :)  To those who read this tonight, have a great evening!

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