Monday, July 14, 2014

A Good Day!

Today was a pretty good day.  I needed a long nap this afternoon, but I felt mostly decent all day.  I'm praying hard that it will continue through the next couple of days.

We (by we I mean Darrin and the boys) ;) set up the camper today.  It weathered the winter really well, which was a very pleasant blessing.  We are pretty much ready to head out tomorrow for a one night trip.  I love to camp more than about any other summer time activity, so I am very excited.  I got all the food prepped today and made sure we had plenty of stuff for pie iron pizzas, smores, and apple pies.

Growing up my family took several long trips all over the country.  The last couple of years we've been able to do the same with our boys and it has been amazing.  It has been really neat to see God's hand in our schedule this summer.  When we got back last year from the east coast, we decided we wouldn't take a big trip this summer.  We thought a few smaller trips would be fun and then we could be home more.  Little did we know that we wouldn't have been able to take a long trip even if we had wanted to!  The Lord saved us from major disappointment.  Not going to Branson is disappointing, but it isn't like we have to miss out on one of our 2 week huge trips that we plan for months.

It's also amazing how God worked out Darrin's storytelling schedule.  He has 17 or 18 library gigs this summer.  That is just enough to easily cover our budget, while still giving him plenty of time at home.  It is exactly what we need and when we need it.  It is so humbling to me that the Lord of the universe is so intimately involved in every aspect of our lives.  Even through this challenge, He is providing everything we need and has been taking care of it well before we knew it.  I know I've talked about this before, but it really never ceases to amaze me.

Today we had a blast with the boys.  It is so good to have Andy home from all his trips.  He was rested today and I felt good, so it was a day full of lots of silliness and laughter.  I am again so humbled to get to parent three absolutely amazing young men.  They are so full of love and joy and helpfulness.  I often wonder how I could ever be so lucky.  But then Luke will start licking people, and I'll get attacked by frilled lizards and dinosaurs, and I'll remember that they are pretty typical weirdos.  :)

We bought some sea bands today to continue to help with motion sickness, so hopefully tomorrow's trip will go well.  Sea bands are like little wrist bands with a button in the middle that hits a pressure point in the wrist that is supposed to help with nausea.  I'll try anything at this point, and several people I know said they were helpful during pregnancy.

If this round of chemo is anything like the last, the next two days should be great.  Thanks for continuing to pray!!

1 comment:

  1. I agree there is nothing like camping for a family and the stories that it brings...I will be praying that you have an awesome time. Seems that the weather will be good for a campfire.
