Monday, July 7, 2014


Nothing tastes good.  Nothing.  This morning I had a sausage and egg biscuit that was great, and now I can't even stand the thought of one.  We've tried practically every beverage on the planet, and they all taste gross, or are completely tasteless, but not in a good way.  I eat and I drink because I have to, but there is no joy in it.  This is especially hard for me, a self- proclaimed foodie.  I love to eat, I love to cook, I love to share meals with people.  My favorite things are at best tasteless and at worst disgusting.  This is very depressing.

Add to that lots of nausea and some vomiting today, and it has not been a stellar day for me.  It has been a day of resentment of Agatha.  I resent that I have to endure all these treatments or I will die.  Those really are the only options, and it kind of stinks.  I feel like David when he was in the depths of his despair.  I am clinging to the knowledge that God is there, he is taking care of me, he will vanquish my enemies (fear, nausea, vomiting, headaches, despair, and ultimately this cancer).  But, boy, being in the trenches of it is HARD.  I just want to have a drink that tastes good.  So I guess I'll cling to the well of Living Water- the sweetest there is.  And pray for a better day tomorrow.


  1. Praying with you...."Lord, give Robin strength to eat/ drink when it is hard and tasteless; give her strength to keep praising You when it is hard and tempting to not...Again, thank You that she is Yours and You are doing a good work in her for Your honor and glory. Keep her honest as always and thank You that You can handle all her doubts and fears and do not condemn any emotion she might express... In Jesus' Precious Name, Amen." Clinging with you Robin...
