Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Keeping the Beast at Bay

I got to spend another afternoon with all my favorite medical people at PCI.  We couldn't keep the nausea under control, so it was in for fluids and steroids and anti-nausea infusions.  I have to go back again for more in the morning.  I am so thankful to live less than 10 minutes from such excellent medical care.  They do such a great job.  Spending 3-4 hours several times a week isn't really my idea of a fun summer, but at least the chairs are comfy.

My awesome sister-in-law Jackie brought us dinner tonight and it actually tasted good!!  We also discovered that grape juice, warm milk and pretzels are all winners. :)  And Tammy Uphouse brought magical cookies that we all keep raving about.  These are all good things!!  I'm so thankful to have a few things that are tasting good.  Odd combinations, to be sure, but I'll take it!

Poor Darrin has had a tough day.  He had plans to get some work done on stories and do some mulching in the front yard, but then I got sick.  On top of that, the boys' toilet overflowed and took hours and help from Sean Lillis to get unclogged.  I just feel so bad that he can't accomplish the things he really wants to (and needs to) do.  He loves working outside, and it was such a beautiful day.  Please remember him in your prayers, too.  I'm sure he would love to go have lunch or a beer or something with a friend or two.  I worry that he will get overwhelmed or discouraged.  I'm so thankful that he has the kind of job where he can be with me most of the time, but I know that is hard on him, too.   He has things he wants and needs to do that are important, too. His garden is so important to him, and he doesn't even have time to harvest peas and keep it weeded.  He is such a selfless man, always putting me and the boys ahead of himself.  I cannot imagine a better man to be by my side.  It breaks my heart that so much of this falls on him.

He was funny today- he commented that he could handle floods, cancer, car accidents, but a clogged toilet was just too much.  It's funny the things that push us over the edge.

Thanks for hanging with me through my day of despair yesterday.  I almost didn't write about it, but I want this blog to be real.  This is hard, and I'm not going to pretend it isn't.  Being honest and open helps me deal with my emotions, and helps you all know how to pray for us.  And I know God can take it.  I'm not doubting Him at all.  I'm completely confident in His provision.  But that doesn't make everyday sunshine and roses.  Jesus definitely didn't have sunshine and roses while following His Father's plan.  But it was the very best plan, and was worth all the pain and suffering.  I'm confident that this will be, too.  I'm obviously not going to do anything as awesome as saving the whole world from sin, but I know there will be good that comes from this struggle. And that makes it bearable.  And good sugar cookies help, too. :)


  1. Hang in there Robin. Praying it will get better!

  2. And it really is funny the things that are 'too much'.

  3. Love you, Robin. Praying. ♥

  4. Prayers being answered and many more to come! He is faithful and so are you!

  5. Lillis & Son Sewage and Septic Sucking Services...where our motto is, "If you're eyes are stinging, our phone should be ringing!"
