Thursday, July 3, 2014


Today is C-Day. Chemo round 2.  I'm praying my excellent team has come up with a great plan to keep me healthy in between this time.  As I was getting up this morning, I started thinking about all the encouragement I've had recently.

First, I am actually 1% excited to go to chemo today because I have a really cool shirt. :)  My friend Molly over at the Hiawatha Library sent me a t-shirt that says 'chemosabe'.  Get it?  Like Tanto.  It cracks me up every time I look at it, and I'm wearing it today.

On Monday, Katelyn texted me and asked if she could drop by.  She, Mac, Amanda, and Sophia had made lots of food.  Sophia wasn't available to hang out, but the other three came over and chatted for a long time.  We didn't have power because of the storm, so we sat around by candlelight and had a great time.

Teaching is my third love.  Sounds funny, right?  But number one and number 2 and God and my family.  So I love teaching more than anything other than those.  I love the kids I work with and I am so honored to call so many of them friends. Having those kids stop over absolutely made my week.  I was so encouraged.

There are so many more examples of people dropping by with gifts or food or just to chat.  I'm still getting lovely cards in the mail and emails.  These acts of love really help me get through each day.  Even when I'm feeling great, like the last couple of days, I still deal with fear, disappointment, and frustration.  Knowing you all are coming along side me really helps.  You are reminding me of God's love and provision every day.  Thank you.

Now, on to chemo!!  I'll check back in later, if I'm awake!!


  1. Been thinking of you a lot today - praying this next week goes better for you! You ARE exceptional!!

  2. I'm so glad you liked the shirt! I couldn't stop giggling when I found it. Keep on keepin' on brave girl! We're all rooting for you!!

  3. Catching up on the blog and just now saw this. We love you, Mrs. Crow! My whole family is praying for you. Stay strong! I'll definitely be coming over for a visit soon. <3

