Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Another good day!!

It seems we might have hit on the solution!!  Fluids every morning and a strict every 4 hour dose of anti-nausea drugs.  I didn't get sick at all today!!!!!!!!! :)We actually ran a few errands and I even cooked supper for the first time in weeks and weeks.  We are up to Ireland in our food journey around the world, so I made sausage rolls in phyllo dough (a street food), colcannon (mashed potatoes with kale and onion- super yummy!) and steak and Guinness pie.   It was all really fun to do.  I know it didn't taste as good to me as it did for everyone else, but I still enjoyed just being about to cook it!

I got to check in with one of my favorite doctors today.  Dr. Silber has been treating me for ulcerative colitis since I was 18.  He is just such a great guy and a fabulous doctor.  He told me dealing with cancer was probably a good enough excuse to not have to have a colonoscopy for another year or so.  That was welcome news! I usually have to have one every 12-18 months.  I had one last October, so I should be due again within the next 6 months.  But now I don't have to have one for awhile!!  Yet another small perk.  I'll take what I can get, right?? :)

Even though I am feeling better today, I am a little discouraged.  I'd been working really hard on losing weight before the cancer.  I'd dropped 15 pounds.  8 of them have come back with all the steroids I'm having to take.  It's very frustrating.  My whole medical team assures me it will get better once the steroids are done, but it is discouraging to lose so much progress through no fault of my own.  I know getting healthy is way more than a number on the scale, but I do have to work to keep myself from being bothered by it.  It is amazing how Satan's lies about appearance are so very pervasive that it bothers me even when I know I am doing everything possible to be as healthy as I can be through this process.  There's my little rant.  I'd appreciate prayers for contentment and peace about it.  Darrin of course is wonderful and always says the scale reads 'perfect'.  :)

I'm just so thankful for a good day today.  Lord willing, the rest of this cycle will go well and I'll survive the Red Devil!!  Go TEAM!


  1. lucky you get to put your colonoscopy off! Grant had to have one during chemo treatments!

  2. So glad you have found a solution!

  3. Yeah! You just keep behaving yourself, Agatha, because Robin's favorite trolls are coming to town! ;)

    Can't wait to see you soon!

  4. Thankful with you for these good days! There will be more.....

  5. Can SO relate to forcibly remind myself that it's just a number and not who I am. I'll be praying for peace for both of us on this count! <3 ya!
