Saturday, July 19, 2014

Down for the count

Well, my 4 hour nap kind of put the kibosh on the beach today.  After my shot, we hit the Farmer's Market for a while, and then I was completely done.  I can't get up without being really nauseous.  I'm taking all 4 of my anti-nausea drugs exactly on time and I have my motion sickness patch in place, but it doesn't seem to be working.  Or maybe it would just be way worse than it is, so they are helping some but not enough.  I really don't want to have to go to the hospital for more infusions, so I am just staying as still as possible.  I see the Dr. again at 10 Sunday morning for another shot.  If it's still not better, I'll talk with him and see what he wants me to do.

Andy and Luke are so wonderfully sympathetic.  It must be hard watching me feel this bad and be retching in the sink all the time.  Andy has been gone for a lot of the worst days, so he is just now kind of getting a feel for all this.  They are just being brilliant, though.  Andy has his apron on and is grilling ribs, bacon wrapped asparagus and sweet corn for supper.  I hope I can eat it!!

Even though this is so wretched and way worse than I thought it was going to be, I'm still thankful.  God has been teaching me so much about relying on Him and trusting Him even when it is hard.  And I am humbled to know that my words have encouraged others.  God is ALWAYS faithful, not matter our circumstances.  He never, ever, ever leaves or forsakes us.  He has a perfect plan.  It isn't just me He is working on- it's my whole family.  We are all learning and growing together.  And I wouldn't trade that for anything.


  1. Robin, you are being so brave and strong! I know how bad I felt after my gallbladder surgery, nausea and pain. I just wanted to be left alone and sleep. How do you find the energy to post? I pray the nausea will subside, I think that can be the worst! Love you! Jodi

  2. Prayers to are obeying some pretty tough commands: "Be still...." and "In everything give thanks....."May the Lord grant you a good night's rest!
