Sunday, July 20, 2014


Yesterday was so rough emotionally.  Today I am feeling better, emotionally, at least.  I have gotten onto a very strict every four hour regimen of popping pills.  This morning when I went in for my shot, Dr. Warren explained that I can take so many different things at once because they are all targeting different parts of my brain.  Two of them are tranquilizers that work to shut down key receptors.  No wonder I've been feeling pretty tranquil. :)  I hate the thought that I am not functioning at full capacity mentally, but I guess it's better to be a little mellow than in the hospital.  I still haven't had a vomit free day, but hopefully that is coming.  I'm back to the clinic tomorrow morning for more fluids to try to flush the A/C out as quickly as possible.

I missed most of Sean's message this morning since I had to get my shot at 10, but I was there for the tennis ball illustration, which I just loved.  It was all about priorities- making sure the big ones are taken care of before worrying about the little ones.  That if you get your priorities in the right order, there is room for everything.  It was a great illustration.  Everyday I have to evaluate what the priorities are for that day.  Usually it involves accomplishing one or maybe 2 small tasks, and spending time with my family as long as I can stay awake.

Today everyone worked really hard to clean the house.  That was a HUGE relief to me.  It's amazing how quickly things pile up!

I can tell you have been praying for me.  The nausea hasn't completely resolved, but it has been a better day than yesterday, and I'm very thankful for that!!  May God bless you all so much for the help and encouragement you've been to me and my family!! GO TEAM!


  1. Your priorities are great - I never would have thought you would be at church when you had a 10:00 injection....."Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you." Prayers continue....

  2. I like the title of this post, "Tranquility," considering it was made on the 45th anniversary of the moon landing in the Sea of Tranquility. Continuing to send you well wishes.
