Monday, July 21, 2014

A relatively good day!

We started the morning with more nausea and vomiting, but I went in for an hour of fluids and such, and the rest of the day has been much better.  We actually went out and did a few things.  We picked plums from a friend's plum tree, played a game of Cities and Knights, and went shopping for some things for the boys tonight.  I'm moving pretty slow, but at least I could be out!

I also got more of our financial aid info together for the Surgery Center and ended up owing nothing to them for my lumpectomy!!  That was a HUGE blessing.  There are plenty other bills still coming, but that one was pretty major.  I almost cried I was so blown away by God's provision.

I'm trying to decide which is better (or worse)- being nauseous all the time but having my brain fully functional, or feeling decent but having trouble stringing thoughts together.  I guess right now it's better to feel decent and not be in the hospital.  And my kids can laugh at me for getting confused and using the wrong words! :)  And they definitely had an advantage over me in Cities and Knights.  Though, when we quit for dinner, Andy I were tied for first, so I guess my brain is at least working a little!!


  1. Chemo brain is so frustrating. I would see something or be in the middle of a sentence and couldn't for the life of me , remember a word or name and have to ask Bill. This too will pass...........................

  2. I don't have cancer, am way done having babies, and that happens to me more than I care to admit - you have an excuse!
