Friday, July 25, 2014

Down from the Mountain

The last couple of days were pretty good.  No vomiting at all, and just quick appointments for a shot on Wednesday and Thursday.  Thursday Darrin told stories in Altoona, so he and the boys took off for Adventureland for the day.  I got to hang out with my parents.  It was a very nice day.  We had lunch at Bata's down in New Bo.  It's really, really good.  I had a burger that actually had flavor. :)

I'm really glad the boys could go to Adventureland.  I was really bummed to not go, but I wouldn't have had any fun and I would have slowed down everyone else.  They did bring me a funnel cake, so it was all ok in the end! ;)

Today I felt good enough to run several errands.  We turned in all our financial aid applications and procured a building permit to put walls in our basement to make a laundry room/bathroom space.  Unfortunately, we were out too long and I didn't get my meds on time, so I spent the late afternoon with some pretty bad nausea and vomiting.  We were hoping to go see a show at the Hiawatha Library tonight, but I don't think I should probably go, both because of the nausea, and I really am supposed to be avoiding crowds for at least another day or two.

I'm still working on evaluating my expectations for myself.  I'm trying to accomplish one good thing each day.  On Wednesday I worked on meal plans and a shopping list.  On Thursday my parents took me to do the grocery shopping, and today we took care of financial stuff.  Tomorrow maybe we'll work together and get the house clean.

Yesterday we had a good appointment with Sylvia.  We're getting to the end of the A/C regimen, so I had some questions about the next step.  The nausea will hopefully get a lot better.  However, the Taxol causes peripheral neuropathy- tingling in hands and feet.  This tingling can be a permanent thing.  I will also most likely lose my fingernails and toenails and have lots of skin issues.  The fatigue will also intensify.

Interestingly, the Taxol is made from Pacific Yew Trees.  Because of this, about 20 percent of patients have an allergic reaction to it.  It's not terribly serious- they treat it with Benadryl, but it could affect whether or not I can teach at all on chemo days.   So many things are so up in the air.  That's hard for me.  I'm a planner.  I like knowing what is coming up and being able to plan for contingencies.  I have to be back at school in less than 3 weeks, which really seems soon.  The kids come back in less than 4 weeks.  The summer has just disappeared.

I'm concerned about how the fall is going to go.  I think I have my plays all picked out for the junior high and high school, so that is a big relief.  It sometimes takes me months to find a show I like, so it's a huge blessing that I've found a couple all ready.  You know, it just all comes back to trusting the Lord to provide exactly what I need when I need it.  I'm confident that He will.  I just need to remind myself of it regularly.

Andy is off to a high school party tonight.  I can't believe he is almost a sophomore.  It's been fun being able to give the boys more and more freedom this summer.  They are rising to responsibility and have been so great to be around.  It is amazing how much stuff there is to do with youth group and get togethers and stuff. I'll be glad when Andy gets his license in February.  Hopefully we'll have a second car by then!

Alright- enough rambling for tonight!  Thanks for your prayers and sticking with me through all this!!


  1. I was on TAxol, I think and didn' t -have nail loss, but did have the neuropathy. That was a strange thing to have, it eventually went away. I am sooooo sorry you are having such a rough time with your treatments. Praying for you.

  2. I may have already told you that I believe side effects prove you are getting the real deal and the healing effects are also occurring! I am praying to that end....Years ago I learned that plans are good but are always subject to change - the only ones that don't change are His.....and they are all good! He is giving you the VICTORY!

  3. Great report! You'll figure out the 'new schedule'.
