Sunday, July 6, 2014

Perfection in Weakness

This morning I got to sit in with one of the worship teams at church.  We got there a little early, and the normal drummer was gone, so I agreed to step in.  It was a lot of fun, but it cost me a 3 hour nap when I got home.  It is amazing how tired I get.  I'm still walking at least 15 minutes every day and trying to do some of  my strengthening exercises, but it is really hard to shake this fatigue.  I know it will keep getting worse, too.  So, I am trying to lower my expectations to a reasonable level. For example, I walked with Darrin and Luke up to Kenwood to fly a kite, but I just let them fly it while I watched.  Then we walked back.  That was plenty of energy expenditure for me, but I got some walking in and some fresh air.

If it is really true that God's power really is made perfect in weakness (and I firmly believe that it is) then I am headed for perfection, baby!! :) It's good for me to realize that my strength is not sufficient, but His is.

Tomorrow we take Shiloh in for some testing at Horizons.  We really need him to qualify for an intellectual disability waiver. That will open up lots of very important services and opportunities for him.  If he doesn't qualify, life after high school will be harder.  We won't have as many options for help open to him.  The waiver he is currently on only allows for respite help.  The ID waiver will provide more skills training, housing opportunities and other services.  We'd appreciate your prayers for good results with that testing.  It will be a huge blessing and relief to know that he will be taken care of after high school.

This is just another area where I need to remember that He is already there- God knows exactly what it is in store for Shiloh, and He has the best plan, whatever that might be.  Isn't it funny how we can do a good job trusting in one area, and then forget to trust in another area?  It's not like God is only sometimes trustworthy or only sometimes has our best interests in mind.  I am often in need of reminding, as I am sure many of us are.  It's a good thing God is infinitely patient!!

It is also pretty amazing how much God loves to bless us.  He has used so many of you to bring me and Darrin encouragement lately.  I also think it's great how He uses his creation.  For example, the most adorable bunny has been sitting right outside my window the whole time I've been writing.  He is just sitting under a chair enjoying the shade and being cute as only bunnies can.  I love animals- they just bring me so much joy.  They also again remind me of God's love and provision.  He takes care of the bunnies and the sparrows, He'll take care of me, too.


  1. AMEN!!

    It was good to see you from afar today at church. Sean's message reminded us that Jesus has already prayed for you/us! He joked that for him to pray, or even John or Joel, is one thing....but Jesus.....He prayed for you/us and the Father always answers His Son's request!

  2. Have I already mentioned that I'm really glad you're blogging? Because I am. ♥
