Friday, July 18, 2014

Chemo round 3

Thursday was chemo round 3.  It was pretty uneventful, as chemo treatments go.  I almost got one of the wrong anti-nausea drugs, but my nurse Wendy caught it before she administered it, so all was saved.  I felt pretty decent the rest of the day.   Sylvia is trying a couple new things again this time- I'll take some steroids every day for 11 days, instead of just for 3. I also am going in twice just to get fluids, and I'm scheduled to come in all of next week just in case I need to.  Then we have our plans in place and can back off from them if necessary.

Unfortunately, the feeling good didn't last long. It all caught up with me this morning.  I hadn't been up for more than 15 minutes when I started vomiting.  I had an appointment already scheduled to go in for more fluids to try the flush the bad stuff as quickly as possible, so I sat very still until it was time to go in at noon.  Every time I got up, I threw up, so I didn't get up much.  So, instead of just fluids I also got three more anti-nausea drips.  But I also got an extra warm blanket and was able to take a two hour nap.  :)  The chemo chairs are pretty comfortable.  They recline all the way back and have heat and massage.

I'm home now and feeling pretty good.  The steroid helps with nausea, and since it's a steroid, it helps with energy levels, too.  That's kind of nice.  We're hoping to feel good enough tomorrow to go to the beach and have a picnic.  I have to go in for a shot at 9, but Lord willing, the rest of the day will go well.

I am definitely learning to take one day at a time and to really appreciate those hours that I feel good.  We're getting pretty good at taking advantage of those times, and figuring out when they might be.  So far, I've felt good the Tuesday evening and Wednesday right before a treatment.  And there are other sporadic hours when all the drugs are working in harmony.

We're halfway done with the A/C cycle.  Yesterday Darrin commented that it's all downhill from here.  I told him we could take that 2 different ways! Darrin has been such a great supporter and advocate.  He helps me remember details and takes care of so many things.  When I'm awake at treatment, we've been enjoying each other's company immensely.  We've started working on the 8th grade melodrama for this year.  No spoilers, but it should be really fun.  Our adjusted expectations for the summer are going well.

Thanks again for your prayers and support!!  One month of chemo down, 4 to go!  And then radiation. :)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds to me like Team Robin is winning and we fans are ecstatic! The coaches are adjusting the strategy as needed and the star player and her teammates are handling any adversity like pros....
