Friday, June 20, 2014

A pretty good day

Well, the Neulasta shot had not been bad so far.  We'll see if it gets worse tomorrow.  I'm sure taking a lorazapam before hand helped.  :) The headache is still going strong, though.

It's amazing how and when the inability to cope pops up.  I spent almost 40 minutes on the phone today with an Apple representative trying to figure out my Apple ID for my new ipad mini (Thanks, Daddy!!)  About half way through she put me on hold for a minute and I just looked at Darrin with tears- "Will you bring me a Lorazipam?"  5 minutes later I was able to cope again.  She was very helpful, by the way.  I just had a confusing situation.

My parents brought over Zoey's pizza for supper and chatted for awhile.  It was nice to feel relatively normal- very tired, but otherwise ok.

We discovered that citrus is out for now.  My grapefruit tasted awful this morning.  Also, citrus can really aggravate the mouth sores caused by the chemo.  I'm bummed- I love citrus. :(

Tomorrow morning we're hoping to hit the market for a little while before Darrin has to go tell stories in Bode, Iowa, north of Fort Dodge.  Then I'll head over to see Crystal at the salon with my sis-in-law, Jackie.  There will be a surprise for those of you who attend Cedar Valley on Sunday morning. :) I'll be sure to post pictures for those of you don't. :)  Speaking of pictures, if you are friends with me or Darrin on FB, you've probably seen some sneak peeks from my photo shoot with Jackee Austerman.  Are they not amazing??  Not that I'm amazing, but that Jackee is a great photographer!!  They are so much fun and I'm sure will bring me lots of joy over the next months.  (and maybe some nostalgia!)

I'm blown away again by God's faithfulness in providing an absolutely perfect day for outdoor pictures.  He is such a good God, in the big things and the little things.  Amen to that.


  1. I cannot wait for tomoro! I can't wait to hug you and love you.... keep up the good work. Get thee behind us devil! You may not have any place in this child of the Lord! For she is loved by the Almighty!

  2. :-) ((hug)) A tough journey you are walking, and many days the mind and spirit will be willing, but the body too weak...Listen to your body...always...If you are too tired to do something...DON'T...overdoing and bottoming out will only make it take longer for you to recover back to a "normal" operational mode in your chemo warrior status. There will be some days where others will think it will do you good to get out and do...but it's not a mental's physical and you know your may have to be firm -even through tears...and your dearest husband will be your guardian for back-up. <3 Hang tough Robin. You can do this.

  3. Can't wait to see you tomorrow.
