Thursday, June 26, 2014

Finding a Fix

Today we spent over 2 hours trying to solve the problems of headache and nausea.  Sylvia, my nurse practitioner, is amazing.  We have some plans in place for the next round of chemo that will hopefully alleviate the headache.  It involves a shot every day for a week instead of just one shot the day after chemo.  I'm not thrilled about that, but if it makes the headaches better, I'm all for it.  We're also trying some different combinations of the drugs I'm already taking to see if we can keep the nausea at bay.  I was looking forward to the week of July 7th being my first appointment free week in two months.  Instead, I'll be there every single day that week. :)

We got our first bill in the mail from PCI today.  It had charges for both surgeries and the first round of chemo.  It was pretty hilarious.  There is still a lot of insurance pending.  The total of the bill was well over $16,000.  However, when I looked at the column for how much we actually owe, it was $80- the cost of a co-pay!!  I'm sure that will change in the next few weeks, but it was really hilarious to read all these exorbitant charges and then only owe $80.  The drug that has probably given me this awful headache costs $5,500 just itself.  So, I guess I'm getting my money's worth out of the headache! :)

I am very thankful that Cedar Valley has always tried very hard to provide decent insurance for us.  It's gotten a lot harder in the last few years, but they have really worked to make it affordable and as good of coverage as possible.  I've only talked to our insurance people a little bit, but I think we'll be ok.  That is definitely comforting to know.  That bill today was a real eye opener.  I'm so thankful for Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University.  Darrin and I went through the program before we were married.  His plans have allowed us to do so much and be in control of our finances.  The Lord has really used him to change a lot of lives.  If you haven't ever heard any of Dave's stuff, I highly recommend it!

Tomorrow at noon I lose my hair.  I'm so not ready for that.  On the other hand- I'm looking forward to all my cute hats and scarves.  Many women say this is the absolute worst part of cancer treatment.  I believe it!  But I also know Crystal will do everything she can to make tomorrow fun and not so scary.  And I'll save on hair products for awhile!!

I think perhaps more than anything else tomorrow's hair loss will make this journey truly real.  There will be an undeniable outward sign of this battle.  I know I'll get funny looks from little kids and maybe some awkward questions.  That doesn't bother me.  Maybe it will help people learn compassion.  I do find myself wondering more about people who have wacky haircuts.  Maybe they aren't rebels or trying to make some sort of statement.  Maybe they have cancer.  It just reminds me that everyone has something to deal with, whether it be physical or emotional.  We're all going through something and we all need grace. Maybe purple hair is a form of whistling in the dark.  A good thing to remember.


  1. big (((hugs))) to my fellow warrior. Yes. Thank God for good insurance. What a blessing. I wonder how people deal with that burden on top of everything else when they get a diagnosis and realize that they do not have insurance. Prayers for your walk of endurance as these upcoming weeks approach. Battlefield of the mind...Take your stand, and don't let the enemy in there. First step of victory. Rah! Stay strong, sister. <3

  2. I was shocked 11 yrs ago with the cost of chemo. And Oncology associates was out of network and each treatment was about 20,000.00. What a shocker. Don't be concerned with the bills at this time. Just concentrate on your well being and getting healthy and of course Jesus.

  3. Amen to Mary's comment! She knows much of God's provision and is a beacon of light!
