Thursday, June 19, 2014


Today was the day we've been waiting for and dreading.  It is exactly one month since I got my diagnosis.  I went first to Cardiology for an Echocardiogram.  One of my drugs can cause heart damage, so they get a baseline and then will check throughout treatment to make sure my heart stays ok.  It was fun to watch.  The test is basically an ultrasound of the heart.  I thought the valves opening and closing looked like chickens pecking.  That test took about 45 minutes.  Then I headed down to chemo.

I did have to take a lorazapam as soon as I got there to stem the tide of panic and tears.  The nurse, Krystal, was very understanding and sweet.  She said it is often really hard for people the first time.  The treatment itself went great until the last regimen, the Cytoxin.  It gave me a really nasty headache.  It might also have been caused by one of the anti-nausea drugs.  If it was that one, I'll have the headache for 72 hours.  I still have it now, though it is a lot better than it was.  I'm hoping that means it was the Cytoxin and they'll just slow down the dosing time to an hour instead of half an hour.

I came home and pretty much slept from about 1:15-5:30.  I tried some dinner, provided by our dear friend Vicky, but it made me feel pretty sick.  I took another anti-nausea pill right before we started eating, and it just kicked in about 5 minutes ago.

Now we're going to go upstairs so I can sit my awesome recliner and we'll watch the Lego Movie with the boys.

I have a shot tomorrow morning at 11 that will make my joints hurt as they manufacture more white blood cells so we can do this all again in 2 weeks instead of 3.  The nurses said I should feel decent until Monday due to an anti-nausea steroid I'll be taking for 3 days.  I might crash Monday- Friday or Saturday, and then start feeling better just in time to do it all again. ;)

Shiloh is anxious to watch the movie, so I'll end with this.  All of you prayers, words of encouragement, gifts, notes, etc, have been so wonderful.  I honestly don't have the energy to respond to them all,but please know how very blessed I feel.  My days are easier knowing so many people are supporting me.  I've asked the Lord to bless each of you the way you have blessed me.  Thank you.


  1. You have been on my mind all day long, not knowing what time you were having the chemo. I am so glad the first is out of the way and you can rest. You are now on the road to recovery,

  2. Checking in on you, Courageous Fighter. :-) Glad that is behind you. The meds they have now to battle the Nausea are unbelievable. They have come a long way since the early days when patients got so so sick. I don't know if they told you or not, but the Neulasta shot will NOT go in through the port. They will do it in a muscle in your arm or the back of arm. So if you are right handed you might want to choose your left arm. I had no choice since my right is restricted, but you will have a sore arm (like Tetanus does). Something to think about. It is a slow push...takes several minutes to get it all in, and you want to do it slow. :-) Keep drinking Robin, it helps. When I got to the point where I just could hardly take water anymore...I mixed in ginger ale, sprite, apple juice, etc to give it flavor. The "tin mouth" side-effect just made the water yucky. someone suggested orange juice, but you will NOT want citrus in your mouth as it will aggravate the mouth sores. Use the REALLY cuts down on the severity and duration of the sores. Some people use salt water, but I couldn't stomach it. Kurt got me those little lunch pak fruit cups of peaches and mixed fruit or pudding for me to snack on during the day, it helps to NEVER let your stomach get close to empty...that kind of brings on the "nausea feeling"... and Watermelon was my FAVORITE... ate and ate and ate it. I'm sure the water in it helped too. The Adriamycin can do a number on your kidneys/urinary again...drink. I had very little trouble because I drank water like a horse. If you ever have any questions or worries, feel free to email me, and I will try to remember but for sure will be cheering. Hugs to you. Hang in there. Take this ONE DAY AT A TIME...literally. On the worst days, just tell yourself if you can make it til bedtime...HOOAH!! another day down...a new day coming. *** I don't know if you got a silk pillowcase from any of the Cancer support places but it will really help on the skull when you have little tiny hairs that are prickly on the pillowcase...or a soft little cotton cap, too. Praying for you daily. - Julie ( xo

    1. Julie- thanks for the tips on the Neulasta. I have my shot in about an hour. I'm already getting a little tired of all the water, so I had some ginger ale last night in between. My sister in law got me some biotene yesterday, so I should be set with that. I'll take plenty of something with me to drink today!! You are my chemo angel!!

  3. Praying for you!.. Let me know if I can help.

    Ok... trying to post as an LJ user and it keeps posting as anonymous...sigh


  4. Love you, Robs! Thinking and praying for you through this time.
