Thursday, June 5, 2014

The gang's all here!

The boys came home this morning!!!  I was very excited to see them.  They love what we did in the Lego Lounge.  It's really nice to have us all together again.  We're officially kicking off summer break tomorrow with a trip to Red Robin for supper.  :)

Today I got a few more appointments set up.  I see the genetics counselor, Shana, tomorrow morning.  Then I see Dr. Buntinas (oncologist) at 2:45.  Next week, I see Dr. Nowell (surgeon) on Tuesday morning. I'll see the radiation oncologist on Thursday morning over at Hall Perrine Cancer Center.  My speech kids filmed part of their movie "Solace" there.  It's a really nice facility.  I remember talking to Jeff Cash as he showed us around- joking that we hoped we'd never have to be there again.  Ah, the irony.  :)

After Dr. Nowell clears me for activity, I'll have appointments with the dietitian and the exercise guy.  Pilates, here I come!

Joel DeSousa stopped by to chat today.  We were so thrilled.  Please feel free to drop in and say hi anytime!  We're right on "C" Ave.  We'll be home a lot this summer, so chances are you'll find at least one of us around.

I continue to get wonderful cards and notes of encouragement in the mail.  Thank you so much.  Each one is so precious and means a lot.  I'm starting a file.  If you know Debbie Lord, ask her about her 3rd grade sense of humor! ;)

Tomorrow the blog will hopefully be full of information about a treatment plan.  Until then- GO TEAM ROBIN!!

1 comment:

  1. You will find that the radiation crew at Hall Perrine are like a family. I don't know who you are going to see, but Bill had Dr. Merfeld. Her husband is Dr, Murray. Great, great people.
