Monday, June 9, 2014

Order from Chaos

This morning we all went over to school and arranged my classroom.  I've moved across the hall to the former 6th grade room.  It is a bigger room and it has WINDOWS!!!!!  I'm so excited.

Last week, several school kids came over and we did the big switch.  We moved all Wendy Cronbaugh's stuff out of her room and next door to the 5th grade room.  Then we moved all my stuff across the hall to her old room.  Then the kids moved all of Adam Conn's stuff from upstairs to my old room.  When we left, my new room was a huge jumble of boxes, furniture, books, cleaning supplies, and posters everywhere.  It was a mess.

This morning, my family created order from the chaos in about two hours.  We arranged all the furniture, unpacked the boxes and hung the posters (slightly crooked) on the walls.  The room looks amazing.  It is comfortable and inviting and I'm looking forward to teaching in it next year.

When we started, though, I was completely overwhelmed.  I didn't know exactly where I wanted everything to go, or if things would fit where I wanted them.  A few things got moved multiple times as I tried to visualize the end result and figure out how to get there.  I couldn't even see everything in the room, and I definitely couldn't access very much. It was a jumbled mess and there was no order.

Slowly, we started moving one thing at a time.  Gradually the room started taking shape and I could start to see the end result I was going for.  A box got emptied and put in the hallway.  A bookcase got moved, and moved again to be in the right order against the wall.  My computer got hooked up.  The posters got arranged in categories and hung.  Finally, we had a beautiful room that has order and purpose.

I kind of feel that way about my life right now.  It is a jumbled mess of doctor appointments, reading materials, doctor appointments, tasks that HAVE to be done (like getting Andy ready to go to Puerto Rico on Saturday), doctor appointments, uncertainty, sadness, laughter, exhaustion, doctor appointments, and rest.  As I look at it, I see God take one piece and put it in place.  Then I see how He is starting to move another piece.  And I have complete confidence that He will continue moving the pieces until a beautiful order emerges from the chaos.  He has a perfect plan for what the final product will look like.  And He won't make any mistakes and put extra holes in the walls.  He knows exactly what He is doing and why He is doing it.  When He is finished, I am confident that there will be beauty, order, and purpose to it all.  He is already there.  He has been there from the beginning. And he will be there until the end, bringing order to whatever chaos we are in.  Hallelujah.

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