Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Countdown to Chemo

Today has been absolutely fabulous.  I had a decades old wish fulfilled today, thanks to my amazing husband, my amazing friend Amy, and two amazing women who own their own businesses.  Here's the background:

My senior pictures in high school were awful.  It's a really long story involving a missions trip to Mexico, my brother's wedding, and a misunderstanding with the photographer. (that sounds like the lead in to a really bad joke- which my senior pictures were, so I guess it's appropriate) The misunderstanding led to no outside shots, just cheesy early 90's indoor poses- you know, with the fake tree and the mirror and all the wistful looks.  :) Anyway- I've always hated my senior pictures.  I loved my wedding pictures, done by Brent Rairdin.  They were beautiful, but I got married in early March, so we couldn't do many outdoor shots. We have a few from Noelridge, and they are good pictures, but the ground was ugly. I've always wanted to have great outdoor pictures, but it seemed silly as an adult to do a redo of senior pictures, especially when your senior year was 20 years ago!

But, as with everything bad in life, there are silver linings.  The silver lining of chemo and losing my hair?  Getting to do that outdoor photo shoot. :)

I went at 9:30 this morning to In the Cut Salon, owned by Crystal Jagnow.  Katie Findlay told me about Crystal when I was looking for a wedding hair stylist.  She did a fabulous job for my wedding, so I thought it would be appropriate to ask her to be part of another important day in my life.  This morning she cut and styled it beautifully. She opened early just for me.  She is a fantastic stylist and a fantastic person.  I'll see her a couple more times in the next week, but I'll talk about those in later posts. ;)

I think I talked in another post about Amy calling me all the way from Turkey to set up a photo shoot with her friend Jackee Austerman.  Jackee is amazing.  She is very sweet and an excellent photographer.  She has a great eye and was so much fun to work with today.  I just met her right before we started, but by the end I felt I'd known her a long time.  She's one of those great people who make you feel at ease and comfortable right away.

I prayed all week for the weather to be good today.  I was so worried that we wouldn't be able to do outdoor pictures.  The Lord chose to pour out the blessings.  Today, I had fabulous hair, fabulous weather, and a fabulous photographer.  We went out to Palisades-Kepler Park and took photos by the lodge and down by the river.  They were everything I ever wanted in pictures.  Two of them are up on Facebook, and if they are any indication, they will all be amazing.  The weather was perfect.  It was cool, cloudy, and just slightly windy.  The cloud cover created a really nice, softer light, and the wind made for some fun shots.

I had a great time and was able to forget for awhile that I was doing this because I'm about to lose my hair.  Afterward, Darrin took me to lunch at the Lost Cuban, a little restaurant downtown we've been wanting to try for awhile.  It did not disappoint!  The food was great.  Then we took a walk along the river.  He planned an absolutely perfect day.

If you are ever looking for a stylist or a photographer, I highly recommend both these wonderful Christian ladies.  I'd be happy to pass on their contact info.  They were such a blessing to me today.  They (and Darrin) made this day just about perfect.  Tomorrow is easier to face having had a wonderful day today. And having a great haircut doesn't hurt, either! :)


  1. Yay for your good day. Robin, you will be okay. Tomorrow is daunting because you are facing it. But you will get through it, and it will be behind you. That FIRST one. The nurses in Hall Perrine are absolutely amazing. Truly. :-) Hugs to you and wanted to let you know I will be praying. Drink...... :-) xo

  2. I'm so touched and honored to share this journey with you... I feel almost selfish saying this. But I'm excited to experiance the change that is about to happen in my life just from getting to know you better. You are amazing and I look up to you friend... thank you for calling me. *hugs*
