Sunday, June 8, 2014

My husband

I've been wanting to write about my husband for several days now.  I am just so overwhelmed by what an incredible man he is.  I mean, I knew that before I married him, but God is showing me more and more how very blessed I am.  I was trying to figure out a way to express how great he is without sounding all mushy, and now I have the perfect story to exemplify this amazing man.

Yesterday afternoon Darrin plopped down on the couch next to me with my huge breast cancer care manual. "Where should I start reading?"  he asked.  I showed him three chapters that are particularly pertinent right now.  He put on his (adorable) reading glasses and dived right it.  He continued reading that night in bed.

This morning, I was struggling a bit.  I was looking forward to and dreading church all at the same time.  I got a little teary, walked up to him and said, "I'm having a bit of a tough morning."  He immediately dropped his shirt, enveloped me in a huge hug and said, "The book said your emotions would be all over the place.  It's OK to have a tough morning."  

This is the man I married.  The man willing to drop anything to hug and comfort me.  The man who wants desperately to understand what I am experiencing and help me however he can. The man who prays with me before doctor appointments.  The man who "only almost cried once" during the Dr. appointment about chemo.  The man who is arranging a photo shoot before I lose my hair.  The man who is ridiculous, or serious, or loving, or understanding, at exactly the right time.

This is my husband.


  1. This is beautiful. I sometimes think the husband is forgotten in our journey and need to lifted up in prayer. You are lucky to have a great husband.

  2. SO worth the wait! God was already there as we waited (and waited) to be united with our spouses. Thank you, Darrin, for being a blessing to Robin in the ways she needs it most!

  3. Truly a blessing. Sounds like the same Darrin I've known for years. Glad you have him walking this path with you.

  4. Ooh, I like the photo shoot idea.

  5. Darrin is a sweetheart! I'm so glad you have each other!
    Jennifer Lopez
