Monday, June 2, 2014

Dumplings and doctors and deep thoughts (not in that order)

I called my dr. back today and got a steroid burst pack to try to get this allergic reaction under control.  After one dose, I'm ready to run around the block and I am shaking like a leaf.  It's actually a bit of a challenge to type.  :)  I only have to take the pills for six days, so hopefully I'll avoid the worst of the side effects of steroids.

I also heard from my gastroenterologist today.  I've been seeing Dr. Silber since I was 18.  He's an incredible guy and a great doctor.  He was super concerned about my diagnosis, so he's changing up my meds a little and asked me to have some tests run.  I'll go over to the lab tomorrow to do that.  I'm guessing he wants to stay ahead of my colitis as much as possible.  It is exacerbated by stress, and I guess you could call this a stressful life event. :)  I am so very thankful to live here in Cedar Rapids where we have exemplary medical care.  It is care that is combined with midwestern kindness.  Several of my docs have been nationally recognized for their skill, and they treat their patients with great care and concern- spending the time we need, rather than just sticking to a fast schedule.  That is a huge blessing.

Darrin and I decided to go to the library today and check out our favorite dumpling cookbook.  Then we came home and made over 100 dumplings!  We cooked and ate some and then put the rest in the freezer to cook later.  It was a lot of fun, though it was tiring.  But with this predisone energy, I could probably make 100 more!!  It is wonderful to have a husband who loves to cook as much as I do.  Someday we'll be little old round people who just make and eat dumplings all day.  Maybe we'll open a food truck.  "Look- here come the dumpling people!!"  I can see it now!

Well, pathology results should be in tomorrow or Wednesday.  I see my oncologist, Dr. Buntinas, on Friday to create our battle plan.  I'm looking forward to figuring out what we're going to do.  Everything is on hold right now, and it will be nice to have a plan and be able to move forward.  Go, Team Robin!

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