Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Darrin and I are taking the spiritual gifts class at church on Wednesday nights.  For this week, our homework was to do an online spiritual gifts assessment.  Not surprisingly to either of us, we scored highest on the same 4 gifts.  I know many couples who have very opposite traits, interests, and personalities and have fabulous, complementary marriages.  Darrin and I seem to have very similar traits, interests, and personalities.  We also have a fabulous marriage.  I am fascinated by how God brings people together exactly how we are supposed to be to fulfill the purpose He has for each of us as individuals and as couples.  I never in a million years would have thought my path would fall where it has.  And I never in a million years would change it.  It just proves that God knows so much better than we do what we need and when we need it.  That is why, even though I hate the idea of cancer and am truly not looking forward to the next six months, I know that it is the best thing for me.  The Lord has some great purpose in mind, and I am going to trust that He will reveal that purpose in His own good time.  It might be next week, it might be years and years from now.  But just as He has given all believers spiritual gifts, he has given me this cancer as a gift to draw me closer to Him.  And through it I am growing closer to my husband and sons, as well.  I wouldn't trade that for anything.

However, I would trade the ridiculous backache I've had all day.  :)  Other than that, it's been a pretty great day.  We started at 7:15 at Hall Perrine to meet with my radiology oncologist, Dr. Merfeld.  I like her immensely.  I won't see her again for about 5 months, but it was good to have an initial appointment and gather yet more information about this process called cancer treatment.

I got to hear Darrin's stories for this summer at the Anamosa Library today.  He has done such a great job putting together the stories of George Nissen and Arthur Collins.  The library reading theme this summer is Fizz, Bang, Read!, so he put together stories of two local boys who made history through their curiosity.  Nissen invented the trampoline, and Collins started Collins Radio, now Rockwell.  I am so proud of the amazing work Darrin has done building his storytelling business.  It is yet another blessing that he is able to be home so much with me right now, but still be providing for our family.  How amazing is our God??

The dreaded mid-cycle crash hasn't come yet, but I'm guessing it will in the next day or two.  Meanwhile, I will continue to enjoy the times I am feeling decent, and will work to not dread the times I don't.  Living in the present is becoming more and more important.  And now, bedtime is becoming pretty important, too! :)


  1. :-) You will really like Dr. Merfeld. She is a fantastic doctor. Kind and very compassionate. Takes her time with you. Explains everything very well. She's got a sense of humor (and wears the cutest outfits.) :-D But she is well-known, and she does know her stuff! I enjoyed getting to have her for my radiation overseer and planner. When I was in treatment, she had to have an emergency appendectomy and only two days later, she was right back in there...unbelievable! Praying for you Robin. **(Maybe you won't crash on this first round too bad...) ((hugs))

  2. Robin, you are encouraging many through your honest sharing....prayers continue. So thankful for your life, your witness,' and the gifts you share so willingly!

  3. Bill had Dr. Merfeld. She is the best. If you feel up to it, you can mention him to her. They are so kind and funny at Hall Perrine. They will be like a family to you and your family,Do you have an oncologist at H,P? Bill had Dr. Kutteh.
