Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Girls' Night Out

First, just to get it out of the way, I'm still waiting to hear from pathology.  Hopefully tomorrow will be the day. ;)

A little over a year ago, my dear friend Sarah Lillis and I had coffee together and she told me about this great idea she had to start a girls' night out ministry at Cedar Valley.  The purpose would solely be to get women from the church together a couple times a month just to hang out.  No Bible study, no prayer time- just hanging out getting to know each other.  The main idea was that the deeper things will come, but not until you build relationships and get to know each other.  I thought it was a great idea.  Then I remembered that I am an introvert.  :)

I went to the first couple of gatherings, but then was exhausted by play rehearsals and speech practices and three teenage boys.  There were a few months I didn't make either of the nights out.  But then, a couple months ago, I got excited about it again.  I made it a point to be there, even if I was tired.  I firmly believe that God prompted Sarah to start GNO to provide me with a support system for dealing with breast cancer.  Now, I'm not so arrogant as to believe that was the ONLY purpose, but I'm pretty sure it was one of them.  I know there are a whole host of women from Cedar Valley who are praying for me, ready to support me in any way.  GNO helped build those relationships and provide support I would not have had as readily without it.

So, in just a couple of hours, the first GNO of the summer will be in my backyard.  Darrin and I just spent the last while cleaning up the patio, hanging lights, putting the candles in place, and spraying for bugs.  I'm exhausted, (the prednisone only let me sleep about 4 hours last night), I'm uncomfortable (it's still not helping the allergic reaction AT ALL!! ), but I'm so excited to see my girlfriends, eat snacks with them, and talk about whatever comes up.  If you are in Cedar Rapids and read this before 7pm, come on over!  Even if you don't go to Cedar Valley.  I'd love to see any of you.

Isn't it amazing how our God anticipates our every need and provides for it long before we know we need it?  He is already there, planning and preparing and taking care of us every step of the way.  To that I say, Wow.   Now I'd better get ready to make lemonade and popcorn!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for hosting us ladies last night! Your faith was so encouraging to me. We are all praying for you. I hope you got some rest last night.
