Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Answers, sort of. ;)

I just got off the phone with my surgeon's nurse.  "Finally, some news!", I thought when the phone rang and I recognized their number.  (Kind of funny that I recognize my doctor's number!)  However, even though I have some news, I don't have any answers.  Here we go:

The surgery itself was fully successful. Dr. Nowell was pleased with the margins around the tumor.  This is great news. However, they did find micrometastisis in one of the two lymph nodes she took.  Side note- spell check just wanted me to change the spelling of micrometastisis to micrometerorites.  We would have a much bigger problem if I had micrometerorites in my lymph nodes! :)  Anyway- I still have no idea what all this means.  I see my oncologist, Dr. Buntinas on Friday afternoon.  When I looked up micrometastisis a few minutes ago, says that chemo is usually recommended.  But we'll see on Friday.

I am still reeling from how fast all of this has taken place, and I'm so thankful for that speed.  If it was already starting to metastisize, then it is really good that it was removed so quickly.

Darrin and I were talking this morning about how right now it just seems like another surgery.  On Friday, I think it will finally become cancer.  I'm not really looking forward to that.  But I am looking forward to what God is going to do with it.

Thanks for your continued prayers and support!!  We really appreciate all of you more than you know!


  1. Robin, thanks for blogging all of this. We Leonards love you and are praying for you.

  2. It really has made me feel less freaked out to read about the details of the situation and your life in general. Thanks for keeping us informed! :)

  3. I am very thankful you are blogging so regularly and keeping all of us updated as to what is going on with you. Thank you for taking the time to do this. Praying for you! ♥

  4. I know I'm just echoing everyone else here, but I'm also really grateful that you feel up to blogging and keeping us all up-to-date. We love you very much, and I like knowing what to pray for for you! Praying now for tomorrow's doctor visit. :)
